Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008

Learning about money, deal with money - learn4life!

Children and teenagers learn a lot by watching family members, grown-ups and adults how they deal with money:

Counting, spending, saving, withdrawing or donating money:
they're all chances to teach children more of the basics around money.

As children get older, we can teach them about
the value of money: the price of things
spending: learning and accepting that money is gone once it is spent
earning: understanding that earning money can be hard work, but usually working and getting paid is the only way to get it :-)
saving: setting up short-term and long-term goals
borrowing: understanding the importance of paying back borrowed money (credits in later life...)

2 Kommentare:

  1. New Words:
    grown-ups/adults = Erwachsene
    counting = zählen
    spending = ausgeben
    saving = sparen
    donating = spenden
    earning = verdienen
    borrowing = (sich etwas) ausborgen
    lending = (jemandem etwas) herborgen
    value = Wert
    short team/long tearm goals = kurzfristige/langsfristige Ziele, Einkaufswünsche....

  2. yes that is true i think that pocket money is good for kids :)

    by Susi
